Monday, March 29, 2010

"I Want My Country Back…Revisited."

In today's confusing time of economic turmoil and urban decay, people often make the statement claiming, "I want my country back!" People romanticize about the "good old days" when life was supposedly so much more simplistic. They see chaos around them and think, "I Want My Country Back!" What exactly do they want back? This is what they would get back:

"I want my country back!” I want a country whose original inhabitants were ravaged, plundered, murdered and finally--had their country stolen.

"I want my country back!” I want a country in which many individuals have no respect for the land and because of this lack of respect; the land is becoming desolated and barren to provide the basic provisions we require.

"I want my country back!” I want a country where the inhabitants practice racial intolerance, ignorance, racism, and bigotry on a daily basis. I want a country where an intelligent and benevolent society is non-existent in the”country I want back."

"I want my country back!” I want a country where we will not peacefully protest against a horrible education system that fails expeditiously to prepare our youth intelligently and physically. I want a country where we will not peacefully protest for universal health care for every child, ending poverty, homelessness and a better quality way of life for senior citizens, but we will most vociferously murder for our beliefs regarding abortion, racial purity and our right to purchase fire arms.

"I want my country back!” I want a country where parents do not need to be responsible and accountable for their children's negative behaviors. I want a country where we find comfort in accusing and blaming others for our own short-comings instead of taking a more active role in the reconstruction of our self-worth and our communities.

"I want my country back!” I want a country in which religion teaches chaos, xenophobia and violence instead of spirituality that transforms individuals into servants for humanity.

"I want my country back!” I want a country where elected officials spread "fear propaganda" instead of promoting honesty, integrity, and common decency to their constituents.

Consequently, "I want my country back" is a "misguided" statement. This "fanciful" philosophy is the segway to tyranny' and history is written that many countries imminent demise occurred because of this view. This land was here long before we arrived and if were not very careful; it will be here long after we destroy ourselves--by suicide, so be careful what you wish for!

Anthony P. Johnson

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